[ text-case ]

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What is Upper Case?

Upper case refers to capital letters. It is the opposite of lower case, which refers to small letters.

What is Lower Case?

Lower case is a type of lettering that uses only small letters, or "lowercase" letters, as opposed to uppercase letters.

What is Title Case?

Title Case is a style of capitalization in which most words are written with their first letter as an upper case and the remaining letters in lower case. It is also sometimes referred to as Up Style or Headline Style.

What is Sentence Case?

Sentence case is a style of writing in which only the first letter of a sentence, proper nouns, and other types of words that are normally capitalized are written in uppercase. All other letters are written in lowercase.

What is Camel Case?

Camel Case is a naming convention in which the first letter of each word is capitalized, with the remaining letters in lowercase. It is often used in programming languages and other contexts to indicate a certain type of identifier, such as a variable or function.

What is Pascal Case?

Pascal Case is a type of naming convention in which a series of words or other identifiers are joined together into a single, composite name. All letters of each word in the name are capitalized, and no spaces or punctuation are used.

What is Snake Case?

Snake Case is a writing style where words are separated by underscores, such as this_is_snake_case. It is often used for variable names and other identifiers in computer programming.